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R.I.P. Harold Ramis

I was going to write this week about the three horror novels that have influenced me most. However, just a few minutes ago I learnt the awful news that Harold Ramis has died at the age of 69. 

I am 35 years old, In my life many celebrities haved passed away, many that I truly admired. Yet this is the first time I have actually felt actual loss myself. I never knew the man. But his role as co writer and co star of Ghostbusters has made him an actual part of my childhood.


1984 I was 6 years old and my parents took us to the cinema to see Ghostbusters. This is the first time I remember going to the cinema, I doubt it was, but it is the first one I remember. The opening scene of the film, on that giant screen, is etched onto my memory. As the library ghost transformed from spooky, floating old lady, into a giant screaming monster, I actually leapt out of my seat and into the row behind. Then I sat back down with my family and watched the rest of the film. 

That moment, was the first time I experienced the rush of fear a film can give you. I was hooked. I think in many ways Ghostbusters is responsible for me ending up a horror writer.

It was one of the first films I bought on video ( note for kids, videos are those black bricks your granny has on her shelf, they are like prehistoric DVD's or Blu Rays), and I think I watched it at least once a day for about eight years, seriously even now I can recite the entire movie. 

It of course led on to The Real Ghostbusters cartoon show, comics, and toys. All of which I collected. Somewhere my parents have a photo of me in a boiler suit toting my proton pack.

Many of my lasting friendships are based on a mutual love of Ghostbusters and yes even Ghostbusters II, though to a lesser degree. 

What I am trying to say is I can't imagine how different my life would be without Ghostbusters and thus the death of Harold Ramis has cut me deeper than I ever thought it would.

I am sure his legacy will live on, but the world has lost a great writer, director and comedic actor all in one foul swoop. 

Rest in peace Dr. Spengler.

 You will be missed.

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